Educating Our Children: Who is responsible?
Deuteronomy 6:4–7, Proverbs 4:1 and Ephesians 6:1–4 squarely puts the responsibility of the child’s education primarily on their parents. This call is to teach, not just as an event, but as a lifestyle.
Parents need to understand the chief end of education: to enable us to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Every effort should be towards this end.
As a parent or guardian, we ought to make sure the child is better placed to:
1. Keep the greatest commandment Matthew 22:36–40;
2. Obey the great commission Matthew 28:16–20; and
3. Fulfill the cultural mandate Genesis 1:28.
The role of the teacher is to help the parent. Parents are not helping teachers.
If you as a parent look at your child’s diary/assignments with a pout thinking, why do you have to do this while you are paying school fees, then you are thinking you are helping the teachers.
Instead encourage your child to delight in learning, teach and model virtues, show your children the benefit of knowledge and skill being imparted and patiently bear with their misgivings.
Do not forget the most powerful learning for children comes from observing adults around them. Heed the scriptures caution in Luke 17:2 “it would be better for him, if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than he should cause one of these little ones to sin”. Ask yourself, ‘would I be happy if my child turned out exactly like me?’
Have a proper desire for your child, that they increase in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52), and pray for the Lord’s help as you undertake this God given role.